Sunday, 7 April 2013
My website
Thursday, 4 April 2013
In the beginning
I thought it would be interesting to blog my dream journey through art, exploring different ideas, mediums, and opportunities that open up along the way.
I've never had any training, and have believed until recently that I couldn't paint or create pieces of artistic work, but it had always been a dream to create and paint. What turned this belief on its head was seeing just how many self taught artists there are out there, seeing their work hanging Southampton's Art gallery. If they could do it, then so could I!
It just so happened shortly after that, I noticed The Art House in Southampton was asking for local artists to put forward pieces of work for their summer exhibition. So I painted 3 pieces and submitted them, and lo and behold they were accepted! I was astounded and very grateful! So I could no longer believe that this was just a dream that I could never attain, I was creating it!
One of those pieces has just recently been accepted as an illustration for the Earth Pathways Diary 2014, so once again I am astounded and grateful, and I realise that I really must get on and do something with this dream of mine.
The only one who is going to make any of this happen is me!